Saturday, July 21, 2012

DIY headband holder for Ellie

Yes!!!! I FINALLY made something that I pinned from Pinterest!! I've been looking into making a headband holder for all of Ellie's headbands to display them and to organize them and make it easier when picking out which one for her to wear for the day. It was Super simple and took me a total of about 15 minutes with minimal supplies.

Roll of paper towels (I had a Costco sized one and I recommend using a smaller one so you don't stretch out your headbands)
Pretty tissue paper (the thicker kind) in whatever color you choose. You could also use fabric, scrapbook paper or any other material you desire. I chose a really pretty pink tissue paper.
Scotch tape and glue

First I started off by laying 4 layers of the tissue on the counter and taping one end to the paper towel roll. I kept the plastic lining on so the tape would stick better. I individually taped each layer of the tissue paper to each other so they all stuck.
Next I rolled the tissue paper all the way around the roll and taped the loose end down. It would have been nice to have double sided tape but I didn't have any on hand so I used a little glue and rolled up pieces of tape to get the tissue paper to stick nicely.
Next I had to secure the top and bottom ends of the tissue paper. The bottom doesn't have to look pretty so I just taped it all down to the bottom of the roll in no particular order. For the top I tried to nicely fold it and again used rolled up tape to secure it down.
Finally, I put all of Ellie's headbands on it and put it in her room. I may have to make a few extra with all the cute headbands I've been seeing on Etsy and who knows, maybe you'll see another post soon if I'm brave enough to attempt to make my own headbands someday. :D
Thanks for reading and thanks for peeking in with the Pearsalls!!
Finished product!!

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