Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ellie is on the move!!

Ellie is officially mobile! In the last few weeks she has made huge developmental leaps including learning to crawl, pulling up to stand and standing while holding onto things. She is changing so much right in front of our eyes and seems to learn new things overnight. We have already lowered her crib mattress down since she learned to sit up on her own and now when she wakes up from naps we find her trying to pull up to stand on the side of her crib. She is interacting so much more with everyone, including the dogs and has learned to play fetch with Koby. She knows how to throw the ball for him and almost teases him by waving the ball in front of his face before she throws it but he is such a good boy and waits patiently. She is learning new sounds and babbles away while she is playing. Russell would swear she is saying "dadda" but I know better and that she is still just making sounds but he seems proud anyways. ;) we love our little girl SO incredibly much and are so blessed to be her parents.
Some of Ellie's favorite things:
Playing with her house, especially opening and closing the door and the window
Standing with support and grabbing for toys
Crawling everywhere and she loves I you crawl with her or act like you're going to come get her
Playing chase
Eating Mum-Mums or apples
Pretending she's talking on the phone
Going after the dogs' tails

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